CS4 Buttons - need help
(too old to reply)
2009-03-25 14:26:04 UTC
I have a question....I saw on a website once (I wish I could remember which
site it was), flash buttons that were creatively animated.

The button would appear just as text, but when you hovered over it, an image
would rise from behind it, then, when you moused off, the image would go back

It did this for each of the buttons and I cannot figure out how to get that to
work, especially since in CS4 with AS3 you cannot use AS on a button.

It's also really difficult to add a motion preset to a button....can anyone

I've looked for tutorials on how to add a motion script/preset to a button
however, I'm not finding anything at all.

Am I making this more complicated than it needs to be?

Should I put the button inside a movie clip and animate it that way? I'm not
sure if that will work since I am trying to make an image appear behind the
button when it's in it's OVER state.

Is there an easier way for me to do this?

2009-03-25 15:01:17 UTC
I was able to find someone else with a similar problem and the response they
got was this::

"Inserting a movieclip that has that gradual enlargement is the only way to
change it in the over frame itself."

I tried inserting a movie symbol into the "over" frame and i dont' know what
happens to it when I click into scene1 again...where did it go?

Can someone else provide more detailed steps as to how to accomplish this?

This is exactly what I've been trying to find out.

Thank you.
2009-03-25 15:51:17 UTC
Whatever you do will require a movieclip playing a role somewhere along the
line. For the scenario you described where the image slides out and back in,
it is more likely entirely a movieclip.

What you want to do is create a movieclip that has mouse event listeners that
cause it to go to different frames for the different states of the 'button'.
So in frame 1 you would have the 'button' in its normal state, and a rollover
could send it to frame 2 where you have an animation movieclip play. Then,
when you roll out you send it to another frame containing the reverse animation
which sends it back to frame 1 as its last action.
2009-03-25 16:45:57 UTC
Is there some help I could find somewhere on writing these scripts? I'm new to
flash but even newer to AS3...or any AS for that matter and it's quite
confusing still. I get the gist of what you're saying, but I'm not quite sure
how to write it.

Thanks for the reply!!!
2009-03-25 18:06:36 UTC
I've make a quick sample for you to look thru and study a bit. It is not
likely to have all the answers you will be looking for, but should give you a


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