Can one button type play nicely with others?
(too old to reply)
2009-03-30 18:34:13 UTC
So, I'm creating this nice little movie that has 5 or so buttons on it (think:
click on image to see painting, like a gallery) and I've got four of the
buttons working nicely with a little help from my friend Actionscript 3.0
(eventListener and his friend gotoAndStop and some others). These buttons go to
a new keyframe in the movie that contain the images for each button. Relatively

My question concerns the last button. This button wants information (text) to
pop-up or go away when clicked irrespective of what frame the movie is on. I
can't for the life of me figure out how to get this done. And in a related
question, is it possible for this button to stay in it's down state until
clicked again (like a pause/play button on a music player)?

Sorry in advance for this lame question and thanks for any input.
2009-03-30 19:02:20 UTC
Either create a movieclip with text and control its visibility with the button,
or have a textfield and assign/remove text.

You cannot make a button hold a state when mouse events change for it. You
can either create a movieclip version of it and control where it is in its own
timeline, or have two buttons, one drawn for the normal state and one drawn for
the down state, and control their visibility between each each on clicking
them.... click one, it makes the other visible and itself invisible, etc.