Please help....really dont' know what to do
(too old to reply)
2009-03-23 15:02:33 UTC
Please take a look here www.swdirect.com/flash.html

I am a complete newbie to flash, I am using CS4. My company wants to
completely re-do their site and this flash look is what they are asking for. I
have looked everywhere for a way to make the movie fit the browser window,
regardless of the users resolution. I changed the publish settings to 100% as
well as changed the size in the object tag in my html. I've tried the scale as
'showall', 'exact' and even 'noborder' to get it to fit the screen depending on
the resolution setting the viewer was using. I looked at several website
tutorials including http://www.aleosoft.com/flashtutorial_autofit.html and
http://www.moock.org/webdesign/flash/fillthewindow.html but NOTHING is working.

I've even redesigned my movie with the stage set at 1440x900 (which is what my
resolution is at) and when I changed my resolution to say 1024x760 or even
800x600...it still looked the way it looks when you view it. The top and
bottom banners dont' go all the way to the edges and neither does the blue
lines that fly in.

Can someone please tell me how to get all of the movie to the edge...a way
that I HAVEN'T tried already? NOTHING i'm trying is working.

Thank you.
2009-03-23 18:19:28 UTC
P.S...someone suggested that I research AS3 liquid GUI and that I needed to add
a resize event listener to my stage.....while I appreciate the help, vague
advice doesn't help me much because I really don't know enough about AS3 to
understand what I've been reading when I did the research on the liquid GUI and
I don't know how to write event listeners. Will that be what I need for my
problem? If so, can someone please explain it to me instead of making me do
hours of research that I don't know will help because I'm not sure what I'm
reading? Thank you

Oh, and my margins are already set to 0.

Isn't there anyone who can offer me any suggestions?????

Thank you.
2009-03-23 18:20:04 UTC
P.S...someone suggested that I research AS3 liquid GUI and that I needed to add
a resize event listener to my stage.....while I appreciate the help, vague
advice doesn't help me much because I really don't know enough about AS3 to
understand what I've been reading when I did the research on the liquid GUI and
I don't know how to write event listeners. Will that be what I need for my
problem? If so, can someone please explain it to me instead of making me do
hours of research that I don't know will help because I'm not sure what I'm
reading? Thank you

Oh, and my margins are already set to 0.

Isn't there anyone who can offer me any suggestions?????

Thank you.
Rob Dillon
2009-03-23 18:46:09 UTC
1. Sizing the browser window is done in Javascript. You can change the size of
the window when your site opens by using the window.resizeTo() method. You can
call this from an onLoad event in the <body> tag in the html. For instance:
<body onLoad="window.resizeTo(screen.availWidth,screen.availHeight)">
<body onLoad="window.resizeTo(1440,900)">
if you want to use an absolute value.

If you correctly set the document's margins to 0 then you will not see the
gutter around your movie IF you also have the dimensions of the movie set to
use percent and that percent is set to 100% and the "exact fit" Scale option.
The other Scale options will keep your movie proportionally correct to one
extent or another.

You can learn much more about sizing and positioning
here:http://www.ddg-designs.com/howTo/howTo.html. You will still need to play
with the Flash publish settings and the css and javascript options that are
available to you.
2009-03-23 18:50:36 UTC
Thank you, I'm going to give that a try too. I got this response on another
forum and that is working, but not perfectly, still trying to fix this....maybe
you might know...


if (as2.0){
1. Stage.align = "T";
2. Stage.scaleMode = "noscale";
3. then in html page put flash height and width to 100%. if problems keep
height fixed and width 100%
1. stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
2. stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
3. and do as above 100% in html settings.

Ok....here's what happened...I used the bottom half of your code in the first
frame and it worked great.....BUT....it was way too big for smaller resolution
screens, so I dropped the stage to 1024x768 and now, on my large resolution
(I'm using 1440x900), my flash site is way off to the left....and, on a monitor
with 1024x768 resolution, the whole bottom half of the flash is cut


Any idea why this may be happening?

Thanks again!
2009-03-23 19:22:53 UTC
I think I was able to fix the problem I had with the centering and I was able
to get rid of the white margin around the page.

I'm sure there's still SOMETHING wrong with my code and my movie but for
now...it looks great!! :)
2009-03-25 19:52:48 UTC
How did you get rid of the border? I wanted to know because I'd like to be able to do the same on a site I'm developing
2009-03-25 22:30:59 UTC
LOL that's a pretty cool idea Jim
