Music won't stop when I load a new page
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2009-03-27 07:13:57 UTC
'm building a web site that uses swf's as pages. The menu.swf has 5 buttons
one for each page. When I press a button it loads a page with addChildAt(page,
0); so that the menu is always a level above the currently loaded page. When
one of the pages open it plays a mp3 in a loop. The music keeps playing when
another page loads. The page that was playing the music was also on level 0 so
it's gone yet the music keeps playing. How do I make it so the music stops when
another page loads?
2009-03-27 15:44:19 UTC
Did you see the other post about this?
2009-03-27 16:49:08 UTC
I saw the other post so far nothing's helped so far. I was hoping there is a
way for a swf to know it's being unloaded so I could shut things down. Here's
what I tried:

I included a few extra lines of code in the example just so you know I already
have an existing SoundChannel object.

this.addEventListener(Event.UNLOAD, exit);
function exit():void
start_snd.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playSound);
sound.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, soundLoaded);
// ***************sound stuff********************
var soundReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("images/Willie Nelson - On the Road
var sound:Sound = new Sound();
var soundControl:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
2009-03-27 18:38:16 UTC
You could always call the exit function on the button clicks.
2009-03-28 05:33:58 UTC
I tried communicating to the SoundChannel object in the child swf no luck
there, I was able to unload the child from the parent swf with both
loader.unload(); and this.removeChildAt(0); but I still have the same the music
just keeps playing.
2009-03-30 14:09:05 UTC
So you're not using an external class to build out your audio player?
2009-03-30 16:00:35 UTC
correct it's all on the timeline.
2009-03-30 16:22:13 UTC
I just created a simple audio player using the timeline and I'm able to stop
the sound. Here is the code I used for it:

import flash.events.*;
import flash.media.*;
import flash.net.URLRequest;

var isPlaying:Boolean = false;
var snd:Sound = new Sound();
var channel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
var pos:Number = 0;
var soundVolume:Number = 1;

snd.load(new URLRequest("someMP3.mp3"));
btn_Stop.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, stopMusic);
btn_Stop.buttonMode = true;

btn_Play.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playMusic);
btn_Play.buttonMode = true;

function stopMusic(evt:Event):void
pos = 0;
isPlaying = false;

function playMusic(evt:Event):void
channel = snd.play(pos);
btn_Play.visible = false;
btn_Pause.visible = true;
isPlaying = true;
2009-03-30 18:18:56 UTC
_xchanin thanks for stopping by to help. My problem isn't stopping sound it's
stopping sound from the swf that I loaded the swf that's playing the sound
from. The parent swf is called menu.swf all that's there are some buttons.
The buttons load child swf's on level 0 leaving the buttons on level 1. I have
3 swf's so far menu.swf home.swf, and about.swf. From menu.swf if I click home
then home.swf loads on level 0, if I click about then about.swf loads on level
0 and home.swf disappears which is what I want. When about.swf loads it has
some graphics and music if I then click home the home.swf loads replacing about
and everything works just fine except the sound doesn't stop. I've been trying
to modify the buttons so they go into the currently loaded swf and turn off the
sound before loading the next swf.
2009-03-30 18:39:32 UTC
I put what I have so far on the web so you can see. http://charliegooddog.org/
2009-03-30 19:59:49 UTC
Oh, I miss-understood what you were saying. You should be able to just unload the .swf you load in: loader.unload();
2009-03-30 20:35:12 UTC
Been there done that. It has the same effect as replacing with another swf on level 0 ie. the swf is gone but the music plays on.
2009-03-30 21:46:00 UTC
I wonder if you have to use _parent or something.
2009-03-31 02:52:10 UTC
Use the unload() event
2009-03-31 03:50:51 UTC
unload removes the swf but don't stop the music this global command does
SoundMixer.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(0); it actually pauses it and
then I have to restart with SoundMixer.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(1);
and I end up with music playing over itself
2009-03-31 14:20:20 UTC
What about:
import flash.media.SoundMixer;
2009-03-31 15:56:24 UTC
Thanks _xchanin you're a lifesaver. Been working with AS3 for long?
2009-03-31 17:30:51 UTC
Did this work for you then?

import flash.media.SoundMixer;

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