Need urgent help with CS4 button-to-animation functionality
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2009-03-16 14:32:17 UTC
Challenge: I?m making a site who presenting about 11 ?puppets? for a
ventriloquist. They are placed across a stage, and will pop up and glow when
the mouse goes over. when you mouse-click on the puppets, it should trigger a
animation who blows up and move the puppet, and slide some text in from the
left. The mouse over function is working, but I don?t get the animations to
function as it should. Any help would be appreciated. You can download the .fla
file from here: http://www.creactive.no/filechute/intro_160309.fla It?s about
36 MB in size. It?s divided into 4 scene?s, and the ?problem? is in Scene_4.
The action-script is in the top layer, and except stop commands, most of the
coding is in frame 2.
2009-03-17 14:38:29 UTC
You'll be more likely to get some help if you attach the code that is giving
you problems. Aside from the high probability of there being little desire to
download a 36 MB file, having to sort thru it to figure out what code applies
to what works against anyone wanting to try to help you with this--though you
may get lucky.
2009-03-17 16:38:23 UTC
Thanks Ned, I will post a change with the code soon,

:-) Bent
